RUFFLY ethical outdoor dog gear founder, Jess Stone,rides 1,600+ km off-road with her dog on the back to Tuktoyaktuk during her around-the-world adventure for girls’ empowerment.
(Los Angeles,CA) – Canadian-born, California business owner, Jess Stone, celebrates reaching the Arctic Ocean by motorcycle with her 75-pound German Shepherd Moxie riding as copilot. It’s a first-of-its-kind accomplishment and Moxie rides on the back of Jess’s motorcycle, not in a separate sidecar or trailer.
The pair rode 1,600km round trip through some of the most adverse conditions, including gravel, mud,and dirt, braving gusting winds and heavy rain, on the Dempster Highway from Dawson City, Yukon to Tuktoyaktuk in Canada’s Northwest Territories.
“I wasn’t sure I was going to make it. You hear horror stories from motorcyclists about deep gravel, slick mud, and tire blowouts on the Dempster. Not everyone makes it, so I’m extremely proud to have persevered toreach the Arctic Ocean with Moxie as my copilot!”
This accomplishment is part of a larger global expedition. The GoRUFFLY Around the World adventure, which started on March 5, 2022 from RUFFLY’s Guatemala office, is a 5-continent journey and $100,000 girls’ empowerment fundraiser in which Jess Stone partnered with the global nonprofit, Girl Up – a gender equality initiative to advance girls’ skills, rights, and opportunities to be leaders.
“I hope that other riders, women, and especially young girls, see me reach the Arctic Ocean and are inspired to take on something big, something that scares them, so they can grow and gain confidence as I have.”
Now, after dipping toes (and paws) into the Arctic Ocean, Jess embarks on the next exciting leg of this world adventure. The next daunting challenge is to reach the extreme southern tip of South Americawith Moxie riding the whole way safely in her motorcycle dog carrier.
Each Sunday, RUFFLYposts a new episode of theGoRUFFLY Around the World travel series, which is unique blend of Motorcycle Diaries and A Dog’s Purpose.To find out more about the journey, donate, or partner, visit here.
Based in Los Angeles, CA, RUFFLY builds ethical outdoor dog gear to help you live extraordinary together with your dog every day. The gear is made by indigenous women artisans in Guatemala, and pairs naturally dyed textiles with top-quality hardware. RUFFLY prides itself on sustainability, ethical practices, and paying living wages.
Contact Detail:
Company Name: RUFFLY
Contact Person: Jess Stone
Email: Send Email
Country: United States
Website Url: https://www.goruffly.com/
Source: www.PRExhibition.com
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